!! used as default html header if there is none in the selected theme. The definite and indefinite article

The definite and indefinite article --- Introduction ---

This module has 9 exercises about how to use articles correctly in English. It is best to proceed from the first exercise to the last exercise in order, but you can also select individual exercises for practice according to your needs.

1.The indefinite article: rules (1)

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2. Choose the right indefinite article


3. Definite or indefinite article: rules (2)

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4.Choose the definite or indefinite article

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5.Types of nouns and articles:rules(3)

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6.Choose which article goes with which noun

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7.Choose the right article and right noun

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8.Articles with names and places : rules (4)

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9.Choose the right articles with names and places

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The most recent version

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